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Part 1-3(1 / 9)

Because it seems to me t you o live a life you can stand if youre like t.

So I didnt knoo say ed to die. ts s y t Id made up. But too, isnt t, you fool. Please stop me. Please o ts to live, t missing, maybe. to say, I am entitled to somet muc somet quite enougs e en

So even if youre rig o do anytoget old you.

know you give muc on your own.

So you dont feel like a bond kind of t hrough.


You ill being friends w a vision shared by all.

So o do if t find you? t Matty somewerrible.

tty in helplessly.

Is it tin. Is t ed, but I could see wion.

I only paid for one night, said Maureen.

t? Yes, of course. tion t s not seemed to make tle pissed. Pissed off. ever.

Come back here, I said.

I dont give a fuck, you know, so me.

And ts t ts t nigs. It t s t it felt like s do o do, at any given moment, and if sed to jump off a building to see felt like, try it. And once youd out, t a question of how much you cared.

But you dont need our knoart looking for Che only one who can find him.

Yea I get s sort of how I ended up here.

MAUREEN I didnt like it t tig anyto do so I paid for one nigo pay, but I be around to know.

t understand, I could tell. I mean, tand t I understand t. t it ty in a home somewhere.

So put die? t just goes to s t understand me, or Matty, or Fat t way.

tin and JJ and Jess, t from anyone I knoelevision, tEnders and t to say straig saying t. t ty if y. t say, s t at t, and maybe t, but t me, and I didnt knoell t.

t me, but I ly, because t so I o say, t see the difference.

So pell taying two.

Maureen looked at o do up in laughed, kind of.

ell, is there? said Jess.

Notin. Apart from the obvious.

O, said Jess. Forget it. ts gone. I can tell. So to find someto do.

do you tin to t of us.

Im not going any change my mind.

Fine. e ask you to.

Because theyll come looking for me.

e home.

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